Tuesday 25 October 2011

Doublefish Solutions Certified - Open-Source Network Data-Optimization Specialist

 Doublefish Solutions Certified - Open-Source Network Data-Optimization Specialist

It is essential that these days to specialize in already available open-source technologies. Open-Source is already proven that it is best and as competent as any close ended alternatives. Hence if you are working in any corporate, or even a college going student and or a fresh graduate, you have to master building networking infrastructure with Linux and other open-source supporting software.

So the main objective of this certification is to mainly promote the same. Besides a good know-how on TrafficSqueezer, students should also learn many Linux Kernel internals, structured code analysis of Kernel, Networking software in Linux and so on.

Unlike other certification programs, we are not limiting with any proprietary technology in here, instead you should be all focused learning open-source alternatives. This is primarily focused individuals who later want to become successful Systems and Network Administrators, Linux Networking professionals, Kernel and systems software developers, c/c++/Linux/Device Driver programmers, and so on.

Kindly refer the official website for more details: http://trafficsqueezer.org/certifications.php

Thank you,
Cheers, Kiran Kankipati (Author/Founder: TrafficSqueezer - www.trafficsqueezer.org)
Founder: Aquarium: http://doublefish-solutions.com/aquarium
CEO/MD: Doublefish Solutions (www.doublefish-solutions.com)

Friday 12 August 2011

Is this the end of Commercial CDN ?

Seems now Google is launching CDN (Page Speed Service) based services.

So is this the end of commercial CDN ?

As we know, Google may now become one of the competitors of CDN Technology, but beyond that even if users get paid Google CDN services, there is also an additional advantage that they get more faster, optimized Search Engine Optimization of these CDN cached pages.

We can notice Google's Blog services gets instant Adsense approval, instant (or more quicker) SEO visibility and so on. So one can imagine similar advantages we can get via Google's Free/Paid CDN services too. Obviously good SEO visibility of all Google's cached/mirrored CDN pages is an implicit advantage. One can get this almost for no added cost, since users need to understand the fact that their cached pages are in Google's Network or in other words Google's Servers !

As Google known for its (or rather) has more reputation towards its free services. Hence there are possibilities one can imagine if Google introduces limited free CDN like services. One of the primary focus in the Google's perspective of CDN services is about improving page loading speed and so on.

Google also gained good reputation of all its paid services, namely ADwords, Google Applications and so on. Google is keen about providing best possible services w.r.t as much as possible Country specific payment options and so on. This is what makes Google highly affordable and extend its reach from small vendors, SOHO users to large corporate customers. This is where many existing commercial CDN vendors lack. Either they lack in transparent and simple pricing structure or they lack making affordable services. What actually needed is a simple DIY (Do It Yourself) based purchase -> configuration -> manageable interface and service to get custom CDN up and running within matter of few hours (if not minutes). Hope Google keeps up this promise like their other paid services mainly Google's Business Applications.

Hence this looks like a small baby step towards a huge innovative Cloud<>CDN technology and domain. Google already has its own/private cloud network with million possibilities, now if it enters CDN services, then it can create huge revolution !

Anyway wishing all the best wishes to Google's new endeavor !

Cheers, Kiran Kankipati (Author/Founder: TrafficSqueezer - www.trafficsqueezer.org)
CEO/MD: Doublefish Solutions (www.doublefish-solutions.com)

Thursday 30 June 2011

Build your CDN Networks with Squid Reverse Proxy Caching Devices

Introduction about CDN Networks and CDN Technology

Here is the first introduction about CDN Networks and CDN Technology. This video discusses the big picture of overall CDN Technology, use-cases, limitations, and so on.

Also refer the way you can extend the CDN technology, and also apply WAN Optimization strategies just in case if the CDN reaches its limitations in the Traffic Squeezer - CDN Use cases.

Blog Intro - Free CDN - Content Distribution Networks

This is a website or blog which is all about guidance, awareness and provides knowledge and deep insight about building custom and yet ABSOLUTELY free CDN - Content Distribution Networks or also popularly called as Content Delivery Networks with freely available Open-Source tools and software.

Thank you, Cheers, Kiran.
Author/Founder: Traffic Squeezer (www.trafficsqueezer.org) - Open Source Linux WAN Optimization.
CEO/MD: Doublefish Solutions (www.doublefish-solutions.com).